15 April 2011

An Unnecessarily Impulsive Traveler

photo by the amazing Lea Ann

It's frustrating how so much drama has been thrown upon me these past few weeks. To the people who know me personally they know that I'm not a fan of drama at all, especially when it involves myself in the equation-- I actually hate it. I usually stir away when it comes to these things and I'm usually the type of girl that goes with the flow. As long as I'm not offended I'm good.

A lot of things have been going on in my mind lately. There's board that's coming on July. A few summer trips I'm planning with my family and a massive problem on packing and getting my things to Manila. I have no idea on how I'm gonna magically transport my clothes there. I'm sure it will take more than one trip to keep me satisfied on clothing storage for my short stay. I know it's stupid but that's how I am when it comes to clothes.. impulsively and unnecessarily demanding.  

Also, I realized that on the 20th of April my blog will be turning a year old! haha Wow! I'm planning a giveaway maybe.. what do you guys think? Any suggestions?  :)



  1. You look gorgeous as always Gillian! Liking all the new installments to your blog! Always a fan..

  2. Wow!You really have such an amazing blog!
    I'm definitely following you!

  3. @Kimberly T. : Thanks Kimberly! Surprised you noticed! hehe

    @Unabb: Thank you! Nice words are always appreciated.

    @Matthew: Thanks! :)

  4. Awww you're super pretty and your blog is very cute. I'm def becoming a follower. I would love it if you considered following me back :)

    Your friend's sketch of you is amazing! Love it as the blog header.

  5. Actually, just kidding. You're already following me, haha. THANK YOU <3

    ... Okay, I'm just gonna go now. Bye!

  6. what a pretty blog i found :) you cute and pretty style love these dress.. i'm new followers.hope you do same

  7. Love that dress! You are adorable.

    I am having a Free People give-away on my blog if you're interested.
    strawberry freckleface

  8. Gosh!!! You are so pretty !

  9. I loove the outfit!so pretty!:)


  10. Gorgeous Gillian ! <3 ...

  11. you look amazing in stripes :)

  12. You look amazing. I just stumbled upon your blog and I really like it! I'm now following on here and Twitter!

  13. Thanks everyone for the nice words! <3


Thanks for commenting you guys! Will answer as soon as I can if there are any questions. <3

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